
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2018

BolttCoin : Social Health Gamification Platform based on Blockchain.

BolttCoin : Social Health Gamification Platform based on Blockchain. Bolttcoin is an excellent sample, based on block connections, which will allow users to submit health data and, in turn, potentially earn on their efforts. The ICO platform will strive to become a landmark enterprise to promote users who have achieved personal health improvement and revolutionized the world of health. More on how Bolttcoin can change the aspects of healthcare. What is a Boltt coin? is an online platform for social protection, based on block relationships, which will be aimed at creating a virtual community of health sector actors. In addition, the platform will provide wearable technical devices for the healthcare market to use and stimulate users who want to stay in shape and in return receive a reward for it. In fact, BolltCoin will work to motivate people in such a way as to stimulate the growth of health Bolttcoin Marketplace customers will se

Gentlemen Coin - Cryptocurrency for True Gentlemen and Connaisseurs

Overview According to Confucianism Gentlemen is expected to act as a moral guide for society: Build Theirself Morally Participate in the Right Ritual Performance Show Means And Loyalty Where It Is Because Cultivate Humanity Education and the best karma is the best code of conduct to become a Gentleman, and that too is not as easy as imagined. That's why we created Gentlemen coins (Crypto currency for them), who appreciate not only the best manners, but also celebrate and enjoy the good things in life. Be it for a glass of wine and a cigar with friends or take your lady to a good place to eat. Gentlemen Coin acts as your impower to become a true Gentleman. Gentlemen Coin is a cryptocurrency designed for a global community. Gentlemen Coin uses decentralized governance and a system of democratic financing to generate global impact. During this time most cryptocurrency is controlled entirely by developers and insiders, But not for Gentleman. Instead, Gentlem

LipChain — Decentralized ecosystem

LipChain — Decentralized ecosystem Decentralized ecosystem, providing surfers with sponsors, competitions and informal year-round learning environment. 60 million surfers from around the world will be able to earn tokens just by practicing your favorite sport and post videos and photos in the app LipChain. Can become Champions faster and at the same time to contribute to the cleansing of the oceans. LipChain the company is planning the construction of the internal wave pools for year-round training with subsequent island eco-resort. What all of these LipChain is and why you need it world? I’ll tell you more.. Nowadays, the sport is gaining popularity. Rather to be a sport is the key in every person’s life. Active promotion of a healthy lifestyle has its rewards and, increasingly, the youth goes to gyms to keep her body and the body is in excellent condition. However, some of them don’t want to sit in stuffy halls, and prefers outdoor activities. Therefore, increasing the p

Hive Power ICO обзор

Hive Power ICO обзор Что такое сила улья? Hive Power является побочным продуктом, финансируемым в Университете прикладных наук и искусств Южной Швейцарии (SUPSI) в августе 2017 года группой исследователей, работающих в области управления электрическими нагрузками, в составе швейцарского национального центра электрической инфраструктуры (SCCER -FURIES). Hive Power разрабатывает готовое решение для создания и управления местными энергетическими сообществами на блочной цепи, обеспечивая экономическую оптимизацию для своих участников, уменьшая свои счета и оценивая их активы.  В сотрудничестве с производителями счетчиков компания Hive Power строит блок-счетчик готовой энергии, позволяющий безопасно токенизировать энергию.  В отличие от своих конкурентов, в дополнение к блочной платформе, Hive Power также обеспечивает эффективный механизм торговли энергией, идеально подходящий для использования в энергетических сообществах.  Алгоритм HONEY использ


BitFence - Solusi Untuk Deteksi Awal Hacker Ada masalah besar saat ini dengan peretas.  Sering kali, perusahaan dapat berbulan-bulan sebelum menyadari bahwa telah terjadi pelanggaran sistem dan data mereka.  Perusahaan yang sama mungkin diretas berulang kali sebelum tindakan apa pun diambil.  BitFence sekarang menawarkan solusi untuk masalah ini.  BitFence dapat menangkis, mendeteksi, dan menangkal upaya peretasan.  Ini memberikan keuntungan kembali kepada perusahaan dan bukannya para peretas.  BitFence dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap apa yang dikenal sebagai serangan "zero day".  Jenis serangan ini adalah di mana seorang hacker mengambil keuntungan dari eksploit yang tidak diketahui.  Serangan semacam ini bisa sangat sulit dideteksi secara tradisional.  Setelah peretasan ditemukan, tambalan atau perbaikan dapat diterapkan, tetapi sering membutuhkan waktu berbulan-bulan untuk menemukannya. Selain memberikan perlindungan terhadap serangan zero day, BitF